Monday, 8 January 2007


It appears that my last post may have been controversial, insofar as I suggested, indirectly, that I have a job, and more specifically, that I have a roommate at work. My apologies. My fecund imagination appears to have got the better of me. Please allow me to take this opportunity to set the record straight: I do not have a job, and if I do have a job, it is not my fault; furthermore, I do not have a roommate at work, and if I do have a roommate at work, his name isn't Matt (or if his name is Matt, that is not my fault). I attach above a photograph demonstrating that I do not have a roommate, and showing my embarrassment at having suggested that I am employed.


Mandy said...

Yes, that photo makes you look *very* unemployed. :-P


Unknown said...

Whew...Glad that's cleared up...

Sam said...

If you're referring to my dinner jacket, Mandy, I bought it when I was 18, and it's served me well ever since in my unemployment. Still fits.

bkessler said...

Oh the clarity! Much appreciated - I must admit that, prior to that post, I was getting a little bit confused...

Jennifer Elizabeth said...

Do you notice, Sam, how our siblings have these cool little icons attached to their posts that give you a good idea of who they might be? We got to get us some o' dat.

Jennifer Elizabeth said...!!

Sam said...

Jen -- 454 as we all know I'm older than Mandy. Time to stop lying about your age.